Marko Savković is a researcher (since 2006) and PR (since 2009) at the Belgrade Centre for Security Policy. His work has been published in the academic journals Western Balkans Security Observer,Vojno delo (Military Papers), Revija za bezbednost (The Security Review) and Međunarodna politika (International Politics), as well as magazines Odbrana (Defence) and Evropske sveske (European Papers). He has written a chapter on Kosovo-Serbia relations in „Panorama of Global Security Environment“of Slovakia’s CENAA. Moreover, Marko coordinated the project „School for European Security“ from November 2008 until November 2009 and co-authored the Pojmovnik evropske bezbednosti (Glossary of European Security). Marko’s areas of research interest include accountability and transparency in the security sector, peace support operations, the politics of EU security and defence in the Western Balkans. He is also the editor of web sites and Contact: