15 Sep 2011
15:00 - 16:30
Main Panel 2: European Security Perspective
Discussion Points:
- Are different versions of new European security architecture presented by the EU, NATO, Russia and Turkey compatible?
- How much transformative potential Europe has to make breakthroughs with frozen conflicts and weak states that are part of it?
- Is the Europe relevant outside of Europe?
- Have Balkan states positioned within new European security architecture?
- What is the role for the Balkans in the new European security architecture: to be a shield or bridge towards other regions? How the proximity of the Greater Middle East is to affect this question?
François Heisbourg‚ Special Advisor, Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique
Charles Grant‚ Director, Center for European Reform
István Gyarmati‚ President and CEO, International Centre for Democratic Transition
Ulrike Guérot‚ Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Berlin Office, European Council on Foreign Relations
Bruce Jackson‚ President, Project on Transitional Democracies
Rastislav Kačer‚ President, Slovak Atlantic Commission‚ (Chair)