Preparatory training for volunteers selected for the 2018 Belgrade Security Forum events was a chance to get to necessary information and skills for organization of successful and enjoyable event for all. The volunteers learned about the basics of event management, but also got to know each other better in order to function as a team.
They got an overview of history and organizational structure of the BSF and were introduced to the Team Coordinators. Workshop equipped them with valuable information on the activities, tasks and responsibilities of each of the Team.
Good team effort calls for strong teams, hence a few team-building games were introduced to strengthen the links, and to complete the BSF experience, simulations of possible and worst-case scenarios such as speakers relations, handling participants and press were done.
Volunteers represent an essential part of the Forum and throughout the training they showed great determination and commitment in making sure BSF 2018 provides a welcoming and remarkable conference experience for over 800 participants from around the world.